The seed for my move from Squamish to Powell River was planted in 2003 when Tony and I attended the Vancouver Home Show and noticed a Real Estate newspaper from Powell River, Tony’s home town. Coincidentally, his family home was featured on the cover. It was situated on what is still known as Mahood’s Beach in Lang Bay where his dad, Ernie, owned Mahood Logging in the 50’s & 60’s. I wrote on it “Ernest & Esther’s BnB” with our old-fashioned middle names. Little did we know that we would eventually follow the family history and have a beach house near Powell River with a BnB.
In the 20 years I lived there, Squamish went from a perception of a “redneck” pit stop, to being “cool”…and then, amazingly…Squamish became “hip”! The metamorphosis was exciting to be a part of, but with it came a change in access to the natural surroundings and an intensity of energy in the town.
As a realtor in Squamish, I began to help many of our friends cash out and move away as this change was unfolding. Tony and I had discussed this option ourselves and the pandemic just escalated this desire as our town became a day-use park for Vancouverites. At our first opportunity we grabbed the dogs and hit the road in our camper “Sadie” to look for our next lifestyle property up the Coast.
They say, “You can come to Powell River 3 ways: by boat, by plane and by birth canal.” It is part of what makes Powell River special. Our move to Powell River in November 2020 forced a change of pace and with it came a change in lifestyle.
“Powell River is what Squamish used to be 15 years ago.” I have heard this from many people and now I say it too. The outdoor recreation map just blows your mind. The 180 km Sunshine Coast Trail weaves through the 32 lakes with arbutus-lined ocean viewpoints and huts. There are many great restaurants, live music, festivals, and the historic Patricia Theater. There is a deep, rich culture that is kept alive with generations of families and the two ferry access.
And I find that the sunsets can stop you in your tracks. Sunsets signify endings, change and transformation, reminders that that change is part of life, and with endings come new beginnings.
Squamish represents a 20-year chapter of my life with many fun times and quality friendships. The sun has set on that part of my life and with it comes the start of an exciting new chapter for “Ernest & Esther” on our new lifestyle property in Powell River.
In the last year alone 60% of buyers were from the Lower Mainland with the majority from Squamish and 40% of them stated their reason for moving was “Quality of Life”.
Nancy, a Realtor with 460 Realty in Powell River, is busy helping many others make the move. If you are curious to see some great sunset shots and Ernest & Esther’s lifestyle property, check out https://airbnb.com/h/oysterbeachhouse
T Curtiss says
And this made the news…why? With all going on in the world, this seems like a waste of effort.
Saskatoon TY says
It’s a realtor / Air BNB’er trying to drum up business and ruin Powell River in the same vein that Squamish was ruined. Does she not realize that what she hates about Squamish is exactly what she is doing to Powell River?
DW says
To t Curtiss – it’s your comment that was a waste of effort.
I agree that Powell River is beautiful and a hidden gem…but sadly its not hidden so much and changing drastically. BTW
I grew up with Tony Mahoods Uncle Ray.
I love Mahood Beach and lived in Lang Bay myself.
Not sure if Tony remembers me from Makin P&P in Calgary…but Hi!
To future buyers enjoy my little town…I miss it dearly!