James Naabye was so shocked after winning a $500,000 Extra prize from the September 16, 2022 Lotto Max draw that he didn’t know who to call first to share the life-changing news.
“I was at home working on my uncle’s truck when I learned I won. The first thing that crossed my mind was ‘who do I call?’” recalled Naaybe. The Squamish resident first validated his ticket on BCLC’s Lotto! App and then went to a 7-Eleven to confirm he really won.
He texted his wife first to let her know of his win.
Naaybe is taking some time to plan how he will use his winnings but hopes to travel to Europe.
On how it feels to win? “We get to start over and live comfortably at the same time. I won’t have to work as much anymore. Honestly, I feel a sense of peace in myself.”
Naaybe purchased his ticket at the 7-Eleven in Downtown Squamish. So far in 2022, B.C. lottery players have redeemed more than $33 million in winnings from the Extra and more than $125 million from Lotto Max. Lotto Max is a nationwide lottery game drawn on Tuesdays and Fridays after 7:30 pm.
Lynda says
Congratulations 🎉