After time to ponder, reflect and wonder what’s next, we, the residents of Garibaldi Estates, are still feeling gutted by the DOS Neighbourhood Planning process.
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The recent vote by Council to accept the Planning Department’s recommendation for Garibaldi Estates was 5-2 with only Councillor Anderson and Councillor Greenlaw voting against the “densification” motion.
For more than two years, the District of Squamish has been engaging the neighbourhood and greater community in order to collect data to determine how to move forward with the housing plan for our neighbourhood. Throughout the process we have been promised by Council that: “We are listening,” “Gentle density is all that we are looking at….,” “If the Neighbourhood doesn’t want it, it won’t happen.” “Don’t worry, it isn’t going to be 4 story condos as you all are fearing.” At the council meeting on Tuesday, May 9th, 2023 our greatest fears came true. The district planners brought forward a plan that flies in the face of all of the data collected and all of the reassurances uttered. “Scenario C for all zones except Estates East”.
Despite the enormous negative feedback gathered from the surveys, the small group meetings and the open houses it has all fallen on deaf ears.
This process has cost taxpayers and the DOS an enormous amount of time and money. The plan brought forward by the District Planners was exactly the same as before the two year sojourn. In addition, key issues, such as the traffic delays currently facing commuters at the intersections of Garibaldi Way and Mamquam Road and Hwy 99 will not be addressed until further larger projects go through. The two main rationales given by Council members who were in favour of densification were:
The need to create affordable housing
Limited involvement of those living outside the neighbourhood, specifically the under 30s and the most vulnerable of our citizens While we are all concerned about the affordable housing crisis, the high land costs in Squamish make it nearly impossible to develop any free market affordable housing.
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Unfortunately, that ship has sailed. The only opportunity left might be affordable housing created within the Squamish Housing Authority.
Currently, the taxpayers of Squamish have little or no influence on the development the Neighbourhood Plans. Our concerns are conveniently ignored and dismissed. We have already lost so much and while change is inevitable and acceptable, poorly planned change needs to be challenged. Have a look around and see if you don’t agree with this. To the residents of Squamish, we all need to sit up and pay attention.
All we ever wanted was a fair process and instead all we got from the DOS was lip service and empty promises. We collectively have elected a council that does not listen to its residents feedback and does not listen to the people in Squamish most affected by their decisions. It is time to take a stand against what is going on in this town. Let us flood Municipal Hall with letters, emails, phone calls and placards. Do whatever it takes to be heard. If we do not, we will not only lose the town that we love, we will lose our voices as well.
This letter was written by the Neighbours of Garibaldi Estates, a group of residents who oppose densification as proposed by the District of Squamish.
Corinne Lonsdale says
Thank you for this article. I am not certain why the piece in The Chief did not point out the astronomical waste of taxpayer dollars on this process and emphasize the numbers of individuals, over 200, that filled out a survey that was ignored. Maybe they did not want to upset the District, who in my opinion, spend way too much advertising in their newspaper.
I do not live in the Estates. I did attend one of the neighbourhood meetings and I did fill out the survey. I was not the only out of area resident who took the time to participate. Clearly it was a waste of time.
I do recognize a need for neighbourhood plans. All our neighbourhoods should have them. These plans are only guidelines and developed with much thought and input. They need to respect the integrity and ambience of the existing neighbourhood…(unfortunately not enough thought was put into the Downtown and North Yards area) . These plans will be used mainly by developers who always try to push the limits of density…and lately have been quite successful.
I truly believe people need to not only be listened to but heard! This Council has just made a huge mistake. When I was Mayor with an excellent Council we listened but did not hear when there was a proposal to locate a chip plant on the previous Nexen lands. The motion passed but Canfor, the proponent, determined they did not want to locate in a community that did not embrace them. I barely got re-elected as a Councillor in the following election and the only Councillor who got re-elected was Raj Kahlon who did not support the plant. I learned a big lesson. I hope this Council can take another look at the recent decision and recognize that THE COMMUNITY IS LWAYS RIGHT and ways must be reached to support their position!
There is lots of land that can be developed if we really need it. Those who need affordable housing should be close to all services and should not require a car or even transit to access the services they need. There are neighbourhoods downtown that have already been compromised and can be redeveloped to enable appropriate and affordable housing. As well nearby undeveloped land could also provide infill. The province made a statement in general, not specific to Squamish. In the past 6 or 7 years we have already slapped up too many multi storied buildings and increased our population far in excess of anything the province would mandate.
Stop this development. We build and new people move in. Interestingly, even the condos we have built lately are not affordable Our problem today, in my opinion is to provide affordable housing for those who already live here! I thought we strived to ensure Squamish is a community where one can enjoy life from cradle to grave….not anymore! We need more Eagle Grove type housing and a few more manufactured home parks. Those are examples of affordable housing.
Our community elected this Council, thinking they would reflect community values. Council, please take a step back, support those who elected you and most importantly, community values. Staff , I think, are too busy trying to appease the development community. Developers, who mostly do not live here.
Bob stuart says
I agree with Corrine lonsdale. Too much development without upgrading infrastructure. Also what’s up with building without enough parking . I agree with bicycling or walking but too many people work out of town and also need 2incomes to afford anything I guess everyone including mayor and council can also walk or bicycle to work in wind rain and snow . We need more parking downtown and any development must have enough parking for all tenants instead of parking on street . More thought has to be put in before anymore developement.