The District of Squamish has launched a new design competition for multiplex homes following an Accessory Dwelling Unit Design Competition it conducted earlier this year.
Residents of B.C. aged 19+ are invited to submit a multiplex design consisting of either three or four stratified dwelling units that incorporate creativity, sustainability, affordability, and appeal.
Squamish property owners may then purchase the winning designs to build on their property, saving time and money. This initiative is part of the Squamish Housing Action Plan funded by the Government of Canada’s Housing Accelerator Fund and aims to encourage housing diversity and affordability in Squamish.
“This is an exciting time for Squamish following the recent provincial-led density changes, as we now have real opportunities to realize the construction of missing-middle housing within our community,” says District of Squamish Mayor Armand Hurford. “Squamish needs innovative ways to curb the housing crisis, and these design competitions are one way to help lower obstacles and quicken the supply of housing.”
The Multiplex Design Competition invites submissions under three design categories: Second Storey Dwellings, Elevated Dwellings, and Ground Level Dwellings. First, second and third-place winners will be selected for each of the competition’s three design categories, following evaluation by members of the District of Squamish Advisory Design Panel based on a set of criteria outlined in the competition submission guidelines.
The Multiplex Design Competition welcomes expressions of interest from all B.C. residents aged 19+ through October 7, 2024. The deadline for proposal submissions is October 28, 2024; winners will be announced in December 2024.
For more information and to view the competition submission details, visit
Tired of Government says
We don’t have the needed infrastructure and services to support the existing population but let’s balloon the headcount with no plan to support the growth. Another brilliant initiative that feels good but hasn’t been thought through.