By Gagandeep Ghuman
Published: Feb. 4, 2012.
Atheist, agnostic, Anglican or non-anglican: Whatever your spiritual or religious beliefs are, if you have lived in Squamish for some time, there is a good chance you have been in the St. John’s Anglican Church.
If not to pray before Him, then to be part of a community meeting, a birthday party, a marriage, a concert.
Now, the church invites you to be part of ‘Strings over Squamish’, an evening of music with Juno-nominated singer-writer David Sinclair.
Sinclair has toured and recorded with artists including Sarah McLachlan, kd lang and Michael Buble, and has two successful solo acoustic guitar CDs (which will be available for purchase at the concert), “No Words” and “Acoustic Christmas”.
Sinclair will perform for the church fundraiser on Friday, Feb. 17, at 7:30 p.m. There will be a wine bar at the event, and the audience will also get a chance to interact with David Sinclair.
The money will go towards supporting ministry initiatives in Squamish and the Sea to Sky Corridor.
“We are hoping the community will come and enjoy the music and support us,” said church member Andrea Gailus.
St. John’s Anglican Church has organised 15 fundraisers in the past few years, including the still-remembered Leonard Cohen tribute in 2011.
The small congregation has in the past few years been saddled with a big budget item: Roof.
The bill for the roof replacement came out to be $160,000, out of which the local church members are supposed to raise $50,000 for the loan to be paid.
It has certainly stretched the time and energy of church members, Gailus said, but raising funds for roof isn’t the only goal for the church.
“We are there to share our space and the hospitality,” she said.
The cavernous meeting hall and fabulous acoustics in the sanctuary church have enabled that.
The church sanctuary houses the Howe Sound Performing Arts piano, and the Sea to Sky Singers have used it for rehearsals.
Church member Tony Howarth has organised fundraising activities for the church. He said fundraising has brought the 100 or so church members into a tight communal fold.
Howarth took on fundraising duties because of his experience fundraising for Britsh Red Cross in his native England.
Besides big events such as concerts, church members have also been organising small scale social events, such as a recent ladies spa night at a church member’s home. He said it gives members time to deepen friendships and join forces for the church.
“This is what makes the church feel like a church, and not just a building where you go once every Sunday,” he said.
Tickets for the David Sinclair performance are $20, and can be pre-ordered via the St. John’s office at (604) 898-5100, or at Billie’s Flowers in Squamish. They can also be bought at the door.
Andrea Gailus says
Good article Gagun – the only update would be that St. John’s is accountable for every cent of the $160,000 + roof costs – not just the $50,000 loan we took out from the bank. Our Diocese has paid the balance and we are paying them back. We are grateful to the community for supporting our efforts.