Squamish is about to lose one of its main ocean accesses and North America’s premier watersports location, without so much as a peep from local politicians.
Elected officials may think they have dodged a political bullet by keeping silent with regard to the Squamish Spit’s future, however the headache is just about to begin.
From the get-go a holistic approach to this project was never sought. There was no clear understanding of what people use the area and how they use it. There was no examination of the numbers of people the spot attracts. Instead a single option was pushed forward under a narrative created by a paid PR consultant that shames people into silence.
Some people brave enough to risk being dubbed salmon haters or insensitive to First Nations have called for a better solution. They’ve come to the table with money and ideas, but all this landed on deaf ears. And now, despite warnings, Squamish is headed toward a calamity.
Not only does the removal of 300 meters of the Spit mark the end of Squamish as a kite-boarding tourism destination, but it will also force those trying to access the wind to extreme means.
In order to reach a proposed island — the tip of the Spit that will remain — people with resort to employing jetskis, boats, SUPS, canoes and trying to wade out in a low tide to the wind access. This will all be mixed in with strong currents and people securing vessels in small areas with less current flow, all the while kiteboarders, windsurfers and wingers will be zipping around.
It’s highly unlikely the Squamish Watersports Society will continue to exist to oversee this space, as who is going to pay for a spot that is so difficult to get to or pay twice once dishing out for a ride there? This means no oversight, no protection of the estuary or safety measure in place to ensure windsport enthusiasts and Squamish Terminal’s operations don’t mix.
When Newport is eventually re-opened, politicians have championed a windsports location in the park as the solution. This demonstrates their complete lack of understanding toward the sport. Kiting requires 24-meter long lines attached to very powerful kites. These will be mixed in with dog-walkers, pedestrians and toddlers. Then there is the wind itself, which is gusty at that location and not suitable for beginners, never mind the downwind log sort, which is where people will end up if they get into trouble.
On top of all this there’s the issue of vehicles. The majority of windsports users currently come from out-of-town. On any given weekend 50 vehicles or more are parked at the spit. Now these vehicles will be redirected to the boat launch next to the Squamish Yacht Club, if there is a water taxi, an area that is already full on the weekends.
All these situations create dangerous scenarios.
At the end of the day, all levels of government have been warned about these two prospects and have chosen to ignore them. And at the end of the day, if anyone is injured, that will end up on their hands.
Rebecca Aldous is a former Squamish Windsport Society board member and local advocate for access to watersports in Squamish.
Blake Dishman says
That’s really all that need to said. Thanks Rebecca for plainly point out the absurdity of this situation played out.
Paul says
Excellent write up!
Hugh Clemence says
No, more must be said. My question is who has the final say on this issue?? All key decision makers need to be identified and encouraged to learn more and make better plans.
Lev Manouvakhov says
No more must be said, but more has to be done.
This is pure crime against humanity.
Lev Manouvakhov says
Deborah Gunter says
Perfectly written. The removal of the spit is nothing short of criminal.
Jamie Martin says
Thank you Rebecca
Sawdog71 says
Hey Jaimie,
Great park you got built, way to mislead the entire windsports community for years. Must have been a delusion envisioned at the bar. I knew you where FOS same as board of SWS great job
ted says
When you are on a council you follow advice from many very smart people and decide a direction . some times there is a misunderstand between the whole story and parts of the story . The fish first right? There was a plan out there that showed a kite boarding wind surfing use on the ocean front ? the community is just to busy to pay attention and there is a plan now that is not what every one thought , When I go out in the sound I can see all the users that are out there . We have wind like on other there is a way to make it work .
Peter says
Ted your one of the idoits on council that thought this was a good idea! Oh wait don’t you own adjacent property to this that stands to substantially appreciate, and didn’t you vote on council numerous times on this project despite obvious conflict. Corrupt as they come
Peter says
You where on council that came up with this plan despite an obvious conflict of interest as you own adjacent property which has appreciated as a result. Voted numerous times despite conflict. How does plan that doesn’t represent what was approved go ahead?
Lev Manouvakhov says
It’s insaine that someone wants to destroy this amaizing spot called Spit…
Is this really Fish lovers campaign?-
I don’t think so…- This is kitesurfers haters campaign!
Jordan Peterson about corellation:
The story with Spit removal reminds me the story with fast ferries…
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_ferr … ct_failure
https://dailyhive.com/vancouver/bc-fast … pacificats
Millions $$$ of taxpayers wasted by group of incompetent people, who created “the “storm” in a glass of water”..
Main problem of that project is “A risk analysis was not completed prior to the decision to proceed being made…”
What about Spit removal case?
Is the risk analysis for Spit remowal completed ? There is it? Who saw it? Who did it?
Who is Karen Elliott???
Karen Elliott is someone who preparing the ecological and humanitarian disasterIs …
What is a humanitarian disaster?
#1-“An event or hazard can be naturally occurring or man (or women)-made (like stupidity or negligence}. It can come on rapidly or gradually.
Naturally occurring hazards (as classified by EM-DAT) include: 2. Geophysical – earthquakes, volcanos, landslides, avalanches, tsunamis 3. Meteorological – storms, cyclones, hurricanes, typhoons, blizzards 4. Hydrological – floods, storm surges 5. Climatic events – droughts, extreme temperatures, wildfire… etc.”
How many reseachers-scientists involved in this project?
Any documents prooving the right of this barberian act?
The Spit does not belong to mayor of Squamish.
It belongs to thousands of people who will be effected by this wrong thinking , unconfident women…
She is stealing the well being, the piece of mind, the happiness of many many of us and others…
I am just a mechanical engineer, but you don’t need to be an engineer to find a solution-it’s so simple!-Place hundred concrete tubes under the Spit instead of taking it away !
“People who can’t create things will destroy things.”
Erich Fromm
Jack says
To Major of Squamish, and all those who are for Spit removal, I sense you very likely don’t care, but you lost potential resident, home buyer and a taxpayer. I have been enjoying Spit for the past 3 years being newly aquatinted with the sport, each year visited over 50 times, on the way in and out spending money in local businesses. My family has been planning to move to Squamish since we are nearing retirement. With Spit removal we are definitely looking at other places.
To all of who approved this, shameful!
Lev says
Insain act of barberian vandalism!!!
Lev Manouvakhov says
What’s why the West going to fall apart like Ancient Rome.
Chris Finck says
Removal of the Squamish spit is a travesty of haste. Why after approximately fifty years this project is pushed ahead with out securing an alternative for wind sport enthusiasts and other players which leaves one Squamish’s premier outdoor activities along with so many people that utilize the spit for walking viewing and appreciating the spectacular scenery of Squamish’s well promoted outdoor recreation offered in this city.
While it is important to the salmon species to be revitalized, the focus is specifically narrowed down to to that. It seems that repercussions of the federally funded stakeholders initiative is and will have a significant impact on many other possible issues and I ask has due diligence really been applied to any other factors than the juvenile chinook salmon ( fish hatchery salmon?)
I do understand first nation reconciliation is extremely important and the players could be involved with this as well but unfortunately it seems to be used as a powerful aspect to SRWS and CERP to
power push this agenda.
Lets hope that in the next few weeks that something can happen and some alternative can happen. So that a “whole can of worms” is not released and huge regret to Squamish is not experienced in the future.
Lev Manouvakhov says
Protect what you love!
Here is the example how people in US protect what they love:
https://www.facebook.com/102825094533/p … /?sfnsn=mo
Peter says
The spit belongs to the province, it’s a road under the Land act. Only MNRlFR can authorise it’s removal and only after statutory provisions are met. Why didn’t Sws hire a real lawyer with the 100,000 of dollars they have collected and challenge this in court. That is what their constitution states is their purpose.
Lev Manouvakhov says
Why not hire a good layer until it’s not too late?
“People who can’t build will destroy “.
Erich Fromm