The District of Squamish has issued an alert after reports of a cougar on a local trail system.
COS has received two reports of a cougar sighting in the Mamquam Road/ Government Road trail system near the Shannon Estates townhouses in Squamish. Cougars can travel a wide area so please be alert and aware on all trails, District warns.
Please keep your pets inside and on a leash when outside, walk in pairs, be extra cautious at night.
If you encounter a cougar, stay calm and never run or turn your back. Make yourself look big and reinforce that you are not an easy target. Back out of the area and seek shelter. Please report any sightings to the Conservation Officer Service at 1-877-952-7277 (RAPP) or #7277 on your cell phone.
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Cheryl says
How disgusting that’s a crime killing bears someone is to blame for it and jail time should be served