Squamish council has issued a motion of censure against Councilor Eric Andersen for disclosing confidential information.
In a press release, District said council decided to issue a motion of censure against Councillor Andersen for disclosing confidential information in breach of his duty in section 117 of the Community Charter and section 3.5.1(a) and (b) of Council’s Code of Conduct Bylaw. District didn’t provide any more information about the disclosure of the information.
A Censure is a formal statement that Council is reprimanding one of its members for conduct that it considers unbecoming a member of Council and worthy of sanction. Council considered Councillor Andersen’s breach to be just that. As a result, Council resolved to apply certain sanctions in accordance with the District’s Code of Conduct Bylaw:
Reducing Councillor Andersen’s remuneration as required by section 7.1 of the District of Squamish Remuneration and Expense Bylaw
Revoking Councillor Andersen’s appointments to external and internal committees, boards, or commissions on which the Councillor is the District’s representative and to which the Councillor is appointed or sits at the pleasure of Council;
Removing Councillor Andersen from the Acting Mayor rotation;
Requiring Councillor Andersen to pledge to recommit respecting and complying with the District’s Council Code of Conduct Bylaw;
Maintaining the sanctions imposed for a period of 12 months.
“Council took the matter very seriously and would not have taken such actions over a minor concern. Council assures the community that due process and procedural fairness were followed,” the press release states.
In particular, the allegations were carefully and thoroughly investigated as per the process set out in the District’s Code of Conduct Bylaw, and Andersen was provided with a fair opportunity to participate in the process and to respond to the allegations prior to Council’s consideration of the censure motion.
Due to the confidentiality requirements provided for in section 117 of the Community Charter and provincial privacy legislation, Council members are not able to discuss the details of the matter. Council looks forward to putting this matter behind them so that it can turn its attention more fully to the needs and business of the District and community.
When contacted, Eric Andersen said he can’t speak on these matters.
April Lowe says
This is the DOS working overtime to bring someone who often speaks against their proposals into compliance. Eric listens to community and leads with heart taking into consideration those whose voices and concerns have been silenced. He leads from a historical perspective and brings those thoughts to the table. Those decision makers in Squamish take exception to his support of the past and hunted for an opportunity to bring him into line. We as a community need to rise up in support of silencing one of our elected officials. Many of us voted for Eric for the perspective that he brings. We cannot have him silenced by this action.
Ree says
I thought Council was elected to SERVE the people of Squamish – not to dictate to us, not to keep secrets, and not to silence someone the PEOPLE voted into office.
David Colwell says
We as citizens of this District should have a right to know the reasons for muzzling Councilor Anderson on this issue whatever the reason and whoever may or may not benefit. Otherwise, this is a strike against Democracy, even at the level of our local Politics. If the Council does not reveal this then they deserve zero respect.
David Colwell says
Any issue involving both Councelor and citizens of this District should be revealed to the citizens of this District in its entirety. There should be NO secrets if any could or might be to the benefit of the District’s citizens in any way. Counselor Anderson should be free to reveal the reasons for his ‘punishment forthwith.
jeff mckenzie says
Here it is, Squamish city council playing politics and ganging up on one of the members who is often questioning the group that’s controlling the agenda. It’s happened before and will happen in the future, a pat on the back to Eric for trying to be an opposition….. that’s being muzzled. Is this democracy? Silencing the opposition.
Donald Raymond Patrick says
Being Transparent can have its shortfalls when it comes to legalities. I have always supported Eric’s straightforward answers, but maybe we should wait for a leak before we get excited. There are many items that pass thru the hands of a council that are not open to the public, so be careful with your conclusions, nothing to do with democracy.
Daisy Heisler says
Coming to live in Squamish has been a big surprise. I have become aware of local politics that seem seedy, like this one that is squeezing Councillor Anderson, and the public is not allowed to know what is going on. It does seem to a newcomer that an ‘old boys’ club’ controls everything and trying to control everyone.
Ted Prior says
There many topics that council decusses behind close doors for a reason . Knolage found there could bring valuable or very private .